The algorithm used by GEOLocate begins by standardizing the locality string into common terms and parsing out distances, compass directions, and key geographic identifiers. This information is then used in a series of lookups and displacement calculations to determine geographic coordinates. Placename, river mile, legal land description and higway-waterbody crossing datasets are used for lookups. Displacements from these lookups are calculated if indicated by the parsed locality information. Coordinates output from the initial georeferencing may be further refined via an additional function to scan the locality string for waterbody names and “snap” output coordinates to the nearest point on the waterbody found. This feature has proven very useful for aquatic collections. The resulting coordinates are then ranked based on the type of information found within the string and plotted on the digital map display for user verification, correction and error determination.
In addition to the automated
processing of locality description, One of our goals of was to provide an interface by which users could georeference
records one by one or in batches from files, vizualize and correct calculated
coordinates and determine polygonal error descriptions.
The standalone desktop version of GEOLocate uses XML as
its native file format but also supports data import from .CSV and delimited
.TXT files. Once coordinates have been derived from a locality description
adjustments may be made by simply click and dragging a displayed point on a map.
Error estimates can then be recorded as the maximum extent which a description
could occupy. This extent is represented as a comma delimited array of
polygon vertices and can easily be drawn onto the map.
You can try out an
online version of the process or
download a free copy of the full featured standalone version.
Developers are also invited to make use of our
georeferencing web services into their own applications
and/or databases. A lightweight client application based
on these services is currently under developement.
Georeference collections data using your web browser. Quick and easy georeferencing.
Integrate georeferencing into your own databases and applications using GEOLocate webservices.
Build communities, share data, relate records across collections and improve verification efficiency.